I left home at 17 with little more than the clothes I was wearing. Having escaped the turmoil of an alcoholic family, and not having any means to support myself, attending a university was certainly not an option. I knew college was my only hope, and HCC, with tuition at $9 a quarter hour, was within my reach. The success I had at HCC became a springboard for other opportunities, including matriculating to the University of South Florida where I earned a B.A. in English Education. While at HCC, a guidance counselor, Bill Strawn, said that when I finished my bachelor’s degree that he would help me obtain an assistantship to his Alma Mater, Western Kentucky University. He was true to his word and I was able to work at the university while earning my master’s degree. I eventually, transferred back to USF to earn my Ph.D., in adult education. Had it not been for the low tuition cost at HCC, I would not have been able to attend college. This holds true for many students today who cannot afford to attend a state or private college but choose to attend HCC for their first two years and upon graduation, are guaranteed admission to a state university.