Fellow SouthShore Faculty and Staff,
As the members of your Employee Campaign Committee, we want to thank you for your support of our 2024 Thankful Giving Campaign! Our goal this year is the support the SouthShore Capital Building Campaign for the Workforce Training Center! Funds donated will be designated towards this priority. We hope you will make an impact by making a qualifying gift towards our priority this year!
Campus Priority: SouthShore Capital Building Campaign for the Workforce Training Center
Our 2024 campus priority as determined by Dr. China and our Employee Campaign Committee is the SouthShore Capital Building Campaign for the Workforce Training Center. Help us build a state-of-the-art Workforce Training Center that will empower our students with the skills needed for today’s competitive job market. Your contribution directly invests in the future of our students and workforce, ensuring access to high-quality educational experiences and preparing students for the workforce.
Give Online
Your gift can go to our priority, or you can give to one of the other projects and programs on our campus or a college-wide initiative. Just use the safe giving form below to give through a recurring payroll deduction and indicate your preference in the drop-down menu for “Designation.” Payroll deductions can be made in any amount. Giving this way truly makes a difference, since you are making a long-term commitment and can potentially make a greater gift than if you made a one-time gift! You can also make a one time gift here.
The Campaign will run from November 1 through 27, and we hope you will join us to support students! All donors will receive a special gift as a token of our appreciation, and new donors and donors that increased their recurring donations will be entered into a drawing for a $500 gift card right before the holidays! There will be a friendly competition among the campuses. The campus with the highest participation rate will receive a $250 donation from the Foundation toward their highest priority. Help our team win this competition! Show Thankful Giving by supporting our campus and our students! You can reach out to us at the links below or contact the Foundation with questions.
David Worley Employee Campaign Chair
Steven Crudup
Iyairis Toledo-Fuentes