Monica Tauchnitz
Scholarship Recipient
Thank you so much for the scholarship I received from you. Being selected to receive this financial aid was amazing because it helped me to pay for credits, books, and instruments for my highly demanding Dental Hygiene major. Today I am getting closer to the end line of this chapter as I can see graduation day approaching soon on May 1, 2020. Getting my CRDH degree is a dream come true, a dream that I would not have had the opportunity to accomplish without your generous help and support. I am so grateful, more than words can explain.
Isabel Martin
HCC Volleyball
I am very thankful for my experiences at Hillsborough Community College both athletically and academically. The Volleyball Team has made Tampa feel like a home away from home. I am also thankful for my family and my friends, and I love to spend time with them. I hope you enjoy your family and friends this Thanksgiving! I wish you good health and happy times.
Click below to watch the volleyball video we created with our women, who are on their way to nationals!
Ryan Sladek
Board Chair
Thanksgiving is a time for togetherness and gratitude. We at the HCC Foundation are grateful for you helping transform the lives of our students. On behalf of myself and the entire Board of Directors, we want to express our thanks and wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Stephen Shear
Executive Director
We could not be more grateful for all our generous donors, particularly this year as we wrap up HCC Rising, our first college-wide fundraising campaign with such success. We exist to support our students, and every day we appreciate those who give to make sure they get a quality, life-changing education.
Divya Rampargash
Student, SouthShore Nursing Program
Here at SouthShore we collaborate as a family. My experience at HCC SouthShore has been amazing and I don’t think I could be where I am today without my SouthShore family.
Lee Lowry
Director of Development
I could not be more grateful to be a part of the Foundation team and part of the success of HCC Rising, our first college-wide fundraising campaign. Our students and staff inspire and move me every day with their dedication and innovation. We can't wait to reveal the final dollar total for HCC Rising in a few weeks! This outstanding, record breaking total represents the generosity of our community and our own faculty, staff, District Board of Trustees, and Foundation Board of Directors and we are thankful!